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WHoaa.. after 1 month i finished already my deutsch kurse .. and its really so sad.. cuz i will really miss my classmates specialy my TEACHER PAMELA.. i really miss when im always laughing with my sitmate GORKHAN.. he's a TURKISCH .. i remember when we need to practice each other on how to speak deutsch we always laughing bcuz of our sounds like very BAD lol.. i dunno why.. well i will miss you DUDE! anyway all my classm8 im gonna miss them so much.. hope to see them soon .. well about miss pamela hihi.. i love her so much bcuz shes never mad or angry to me cuz im always laughing with my sitm8 she never get angry on me.. thats why i really like her attitude and also when i dont get understand her. she translate it to english.. OMG i dont know what i am going to say .. im so really SAD well i really hope that i will see them SOON .. and also she gave me a chocolates and i really apreciate it .. it was really so SPECIALY for me.. DANKE SCHON MISS PAMELA!

"Ich Will vermisse so sehr MAM PAMELA!""ICH LIEBE DICH !!!"

Posted on 29 August 2008 | At 7:19 PM | 0 comments

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