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YeY! i miss blogging hehe. Yesterday we played Olympic Games and i was super happy because all my team mates are great! we played Badminton, Soccer, Basketball and Table Tennis the rest i forgot hihi because i was enjoyed playing with my team mates, They are Patricia Piotr Hetim! i forgot the name of my two team mates. anyway Dagmar is our trainer in badminton, Soccer is Regina, Senad is Kricket, Thomas is Basketball. Anyway my team mates are so proud of me everytime i got points hehe and i was also proud of them because we help each other. And oh! i was super shocked! because patricia was really really good at basketball! she was so amazing! take note she´s girl! but whoa? she amazed me! really! and i still remember her hobby is BasketBall! hehe :) cool girl isn´t? hehe. So When the time for Awarding we are so exited! And guess what guys?! We WON! we are in 3rd place ! and we did´t expected it! we are so happy on that time :) we have received a Mcdonald´s Cherish! it cost 2 euro only haha its ok atleast we have a french fries or Burger from macdo hoho.. i also put the picture of my beloved Teacher hehe because i love her and she is also our trainer in table tennis hehe ..

Posted on 18 February 2009 | At 3:04 PM | 8 comments

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